edie launches UK general election ‘matrix’ outlining green policy pledges at a glance

edie has launched a new, free-to-download table outlining all the key green policy commitments – and some notable omissions – made by in the manifestoes of the Conservatives, Labour Party, Green Party, the Liberal Democrats and Reform UK. 

edie launches UK general election ‘matrix’ outlining green policy pledges at a glance

The UK Is going to the polls on 4 July 2024. While the nation’s largest political parties have led with headline pledges on personal taxes and the NHS, the next government will also play a crucial role in shaping the transition to net-zero and the delivery of international pledges on nature and the environment.

To help readers make sense of each Party’s stance on key green economy issues, edie has launched a new policy manifesto matrix, outlining all the key commitments made in each Party’s 2024 manifesto.

The matrix outlines every mention of green policy across the five major manifestos, from air quality plans to corporate disclosure requirements and covering net-zero and energy grid transformations. This manifesto matrix provides a succinct snapshot of what the green economy could look like under different parties, based on their manifesto pledges.

Click here to download your copy of the matrix.

Topics covered in the matrix include:

  • Agriculture
  • Water pollution
  • Net-zero strategy
  • Green skills
  • Innovation and industry
  • Energy transition
  • …. and much more

Click here for all edie coverage of the UK’s general election.

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